Important Articles

  1. The 5 Basic Statistics Concepts Data Scientists Need to Know
  2. Probability Cheatsheet
  3. Inferential Statistics for Data Science

Probability Topics


  1. Population versus sample
    • sample is a representative of the population
    • in population we measure a parameter, in sample we measure statistic
    • sample must be:
    1. part of population
    2. representative
    3. independent
    4. random
      • always two version of maths formulas - one for population and one for sample
  2. Descriptive statistics
    • types of variables - categorical (labels, names) and quantitative (numeric values)
    • Descriptive statistics is summarising data for categorical variable
    • common techniques - frequency distribution, relative frequency
    • Quantitative data is summarised by binning and making histogram
    • cross-tabulation is table summary of 2 variables
  3. Measures of variability
    • variance and standard deviation
    • measures the distance from mean, ie, the spread
    • mean, std and variance are three important measure to compare two populations or to compare a population against a theoretical value
    • coefficient of variation = std divided by mean
      • useful for comparing populations having different mean and standard deviations
      • unit independent, so we can compare populations having different measurement units
    • z-score - measures distance of a given data point from mean
      • measured in terms of std
      • standardised measure so same for all units
      • formula = (x-mean)/std
  4. Why do we visualize data?
    • to check if it is normal distributed or not
    • many statistical techniques assume normal distribution
    • patterns to observe
      • skewness (lopsided)
      • kurtosis (very fat tails)
      • bi-modal
      • other type of distribution : exponential, weibull, lognormal
  5. Bivariate relationship
    • Covariance
      • measures how two variables co-vary
      • measures LINEAR relationship between two variables
      • does not tell anything about the strength of relationship, only about the direction
    • Correlation
      • standardized measure of covariance in range [-1,1]
      • tells both direction and strength of covariance
      • correlation does not imply causation
      • famous measure: pearson correlation coefficient
  6. Normal Distribution
    • most general form of distribution
    • symmetrical
    • mean = median = mode
    • standard normal distribution, aka z-distribution : mean = 0, std = 1
    • two version depending on the sample size and whether std is known or not
      • z distribution : if std is known and sample size >= 30
      • t distribution : if std is unknown and sample size < 30
    • t-distribution is calculated on small sample size so it is less representative of the entire population, thus it has fatter tails implying more uncertainty
    • risk can be estimated from shape of normal distribution, fatter tails -> higher risk
  7. Inferential statistics
    • descriptive statistics is all about describing the entire population using a sample of data
    • inferential statistics is about estimating the entire population using a sample of data
    • the error between the true population and the estimated population is called ‘margin of error’, measured as confidence interval
    • point estimators: we estimate population parameters like mean, std, proportion, variance using samples
    • degrees of freedom (n-1) are defined as the number of “observations” (pieces of information) in the data that are free to vary when estimating statistical parameters (hat example)
  8. Sampling distribution
    • distribution of means of samples sets taken from a population
    • expected value of sampling distribution of a parameter = expected value of the population parameter
  9. Standard error
    • standard deviation of sampling distribution
    • tells how close we can get to the actual parameter
    • if number of samples increases, standard error decreases but only upto a point
  10. Sample proportion
    • the count of observations we are interested in from all the samples
    • like binomial distribution
  11. Confidence Interval
    • tells us how confident we are about our estimation of a parameter
    • our estimate = point estimate +/- margin of error
    • margin of error = confidence degree * standard error (ex. 1.96 * standard error for 95% CI)
    • CI depends on - sample size n, standard deviation, alpha (confidence degree)
    • 2 ways to estimate based on availability of std: using z or t
    • if std known, we use z => CI width is same for all samples provided that sample size is same
    • if std unknown, we use t => CI width is NOT same for all samples since sample std is variable
    • interpretation : 95% CI means 95% of our samples contain the population mean and are representative of the population. Thus, CI gives the probability of obtaining a representative sample. Note that the randoness lies in the method of selecting samples and not in the population parameter.
  12. Hypothesis testing
    • two worlds: null hypotesis (assumption/given) and alternate hypothesis (unknown/claim)
    • Null and alternate are mutually exclusive
    • we either test the assumption or the claim, depends on problem
    • Null hypothesis always contain an equality
    • types of errors in hypothesis testing - type 1 and type 2
    • type 1 : rejection of null hypothesis when it should not have been rejected
    • type 2 : failure to reject the null hypothesis when it should have been rejected
    • generally, type 2 error is more catastrophic
    • type 1 error is controlled by alpha while type 2 error is controlled by beta
    • as alpha decreases (90%->95%->99%), type 1 error decreases but type 2 error increases
    • steps of hypothesis testing

      1. start with a well-defined research problem
      2. establish hypothesis, both null and alternate
      3. determine appropriate statistical test (z or t or chi) and sampling distribution (depending on sigma nown or unkwown)
      4. choose alpha, type 1 error rate
      5. state the decision rule
      6. gather sample data
      7. calculate test statistic
      8. state statistical conclusion
      9. make decision or inference based on conclusion
    1. start with a well-defined research problem
    2. establish hypothesis, both null and alternate
    3. determine appropriate statistical test (z or t or chi) and sampling distribution (depending on sigma nown or unkwown)
    4. choose alpha, type 1 error rate
    5. state the decision rule
    6. gather sample data
    7. calculate test statistic
    8. state statistical conclusion
    9. make decision or inference based on conclusion
  • alpha effect: relationship between alpha value and type 1 and type 2 error rate
  • p-value method: p-value is the area above the test-statistic in the normal curve. If p > alpha => do not reject Ho, else reject Ho. P is called observed significance value.
  • two main factors for deciding critical values are : alpha and sample size (n)
  • critical value move outwards if n decreases
  1. Controlling type 1 and type 2 error
    • type 1 error is easily controlled by alpha
    • type 2 error is controlled by beta. First we need to fix an alternate mean value. A portion of alternative distribution overlaps with the true population.
    • beta is determined by the overlap area and denotes type 2 error
    • the remaining part is called TEST POWER which tells how powerful is our test in correctly rejecting the null hypothesis
    • since alternate mean value can take multiple values, type 2 errors can be multipla
    • we can fix type 2 error beforehand using appropriate sample size (n) to align the alpha and beta regions (critical values) in the true and alternate distributions respectively
  2. Type of hypothesis tests for mean
    • single sample hypothesis z-test : to check whether population mean is equal to hypothesized mean; sigma known
    • single sample hypothesis t-test : to check whether population mean is equal to hypothesized mean; sigma unknown
    • two population hypothesis z-test : to check whether means of two populations are statistically different or not; sigma known
    • two population hypothesis t-test : sigma unknown; here we also estimate dof
    • two population matched sample t-test: when the two populations are not independent, ex: to compare the weight before and after weight loss diet of a person.
  3. Inference about variance
    • variance test is very important for quality assurance, operations management and precise measurement
    • higher variation could mean inconsistent production or out of control processes
    • distribution of sampling distribution of variances follow chi-square distribution
    • chi-square distribution is not only ‘one’ and depends on alpha and dof (like t-distribution)
    • as sample size n increases, the interval estimate of variance narrows and the chi-square distribution approaches normal distribution image{width= 200px} image{width=200 px} image{width=200 px}
  4. Hypothesis testing of variance
    • goal is to test whether a sample variance meets the assumption of hypothesized variance or not
    • same process as above except the test-statistic and sampling distribution
    • Types of hypothesis tests for variance:
    • single sample hypothesis test: to check whether population variance is equal to hypothesized mean
      • 3 types: two-tailed, right-tailed, left-tailed (extremely rare)
    • two population hypothesis test: k/a f-ratio test to check whether variances of two populations are statistically different or not
      • f-distribution : when independent random samples of two normal population are taken, the sampling distribution of the ratio of those sample variances follows f-distribution
      • has two types of DOF: one for each population
      • only right-tailed because either the variances are equal (null) or the Nr. one is larger than Dr. one (alternate)
  5. Chi-square test: test of independence
    • to understand te relatonship between two categorical variables
    • to test whether the co-variation between two variables is due to some random chance or there exists some important reltionship
    • we get two contigency tables - OBSERVED and EXPECTED, to test the relationship between 2 variables. Ex. Student levels and years.
    • chi-square test is done on the difference between observed and expected to check whether the difference is statistically significant or just random chance
  6. ANOVA
    • to compare means of more than 2 populations; the point is to ask whether the populations come from the same overall population
    • multiple t-tests do not work because it leads to compounding of error
    • anova is a variability ratio = variance between/variance within
    • total variance = variance between + variance within
    • 3 cases:
    • if ratio is large/small => reject Ho (Ho is all the populations come from same overall population)
    • if ratio is similar/similar => fail to reject Ho
    • if ratio is small/large => fail to reject Ho
  • 2 types off anova : one-way adnd two-way
  • in anova, we measure variance using sum of squares
  • one-way:
    • SST (total) = SSC (columns/between) + SSE (error/within)
    • if SSC > SSE => reject Ho, there exists a difference
  • two-way (also called Randomized Design):
    • we add one more factor at the row level
    • this helps in further untangle variance sources to make sure that the column variance is not masked by any other factor
    • SST = SSC (columns) + SSB (blocks/rows) + minimized SSE (error)
    • if SSC > minimized SSE => reject Ho, there exists a difference
  • two-way with replication : 1) 2 factors 2) multiple measurements for each factor combination
    • Marginal Mean Graph (MMG)
    • Interaction occurs when the effect of one factor changes for different levels of the other factor
    • while reading ANOVA table, always look for interaction first. If interaction is significant, then the effect of each factor cannot be analyzed because they are too intertwined image

