What is the difference between Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook?

Anaconda is a Python distribution while PyCharm is an IDE for python

Anaconda is a completely free Python distribution (including for commercial use and redistribution). It includes more than 400 of the most popular Python packages for science, math, engineering, and data analysis. See the packages included with Anaconda and the Anaconda changelog.

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. It’s a coding tool which allows you to write, test, and debug your code in an easier way, as they typically offer code completion or code insight by highlighting, resource management, debugging tools

PyCharm is IDE. It integrates with IPython Notebook, has an interactive Python console, and supports Anaconda as well as multiple scientific packages including Matplotlib and NumPy. You can use Anaconda python in PyCharm by setting the Preferences and Project Interpretor. PyCharma supports VCS like Git and Mercurial.

Jupyter Notebook was born out of IPython in 2014. It is a web application based on the server-client structure, and it allows you to create and manipulate notebook documents - or just “notebooks”. The Jupyter Notebook supports markdowns, allowing you to add HTML components from images to videos. For instance, you can use data visualization libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn and show your graphs in the same document where your code is. Besides all of this, you can export your final work to PDF and HTML files, or you can just export it as a .py file. In addition, you can also create blogs and presentations from your notebooks.


Install PyCharm and Anaconda (Windows /Mac/Ubuntu)
Jupyter Notebook Tutorial
Spyder v/s PyCharm