Today morning, as I woke up with a little dizziness in my head and a forever resistance to wake-up early, I had this thought in my mind ‘Why do we need to work so hard? Why can’t we just eat and sleep?’ As I was getting late for office, I neglected the thought and started my morning chores immediately. But notoriously that thought continued to trigger in my head and kept annoying me. So, I decided to ponder on it a bit with my first cup of tea. Here is what I found.

Money is one clear big reason but I thought that there must be some deep philosophical reason that makes us work. I tried to view the thought from multiple view-points. And the one view-point that really triggered answer in my head was ‘What if I wake up and I don’t have any work to do?’ This really scared me. The sheer thought of not doing anything makes me feel very confused and uninspired. It feels that I am wasting my potential and my life. It triggers another thought ‘What will I do all day?’ Hence, I got an answer.

Work gives us a purpose in life. It is one of the reasons to wake-up each day and put out our best version to the world. Work enables us to set goals, aligns our body and mind to achieve them and makes us feel satisfied at the end of the day. This sense of purpose and achievement is what makes us work each day. If we do nothing all day, there is a hollowness in our life because we do not grow. We feel lethargic because we do not make any impact on anyone’s life. We must understand that there may be some challenges in work, some parts may be boring and some parts may be too difficult but WORK IS IMPORTANT. When we do our work with total engagement and honesty, we respect our-self. We just have to figure out how to make it more interesting and impactful.

So, that’s it. This answer is good for me now and gives peace to my mind :) Hopefully, I won’t get the same thought again. I am inspired to work more today!

Have a great day!